face facts; everyday each one of us is involved in network marketing. For
example, my friend sees my new suit, beautiful, elegant and so so
fitting all the curves and she asks where I got it, I give her the name of the
boutique and she goes there and gets one just like or almost like mine. Or, I
need a good language school to enroll my son in and I post it on my BBM or
Whatsapp and in a split second 5 or 6 friends bombard me with names of good
schools or language teachers to contact, I get in touch with a few of the them, check them out and eventually pick one and enroll my son. I could
give so many more examples, but I’m sure you catch my drift.
only difference between what just happened above and network marketing is that
my friend doesn’t get a discount because I referred her to that boutique,
neither do I get paid by the boutique for referring her. I also don’t get a discount on the tuition from the language school because I got a referral neither does
the one who referred me get paid. But in network marketing the exact opposite happens! When I refer you, I get paid and you get a discount cos I referred
you. Which means that the more people I refer, the more I’m paid and when the
people I refer in turn refer others, they get paid for the referral, I get paid
for my referrals’ referrals and the referrals get the products or
services at a discount because they were referred.
Kiyosaki said that "the richest people in the world look for and build networks..." now that’s the way to go. Wouldn’t you want to build a network and make money
while at it? Here's another instance. Let’s say at the end of a school term you have 10 families who
have enrolled their kids in the same school your kids attend and they were all
referred by you, do you know that is a network you’ve built?! At each PTA or
family games you’d all form a team or something since you all knew each other
and maybe if one of you were vying for a position in the PTA the rest of course
would vote for him/her, but that’s all you get from that. How about if you were
to get paid for all the ten families? And if you were paid a percentage of the
tuition each term that each family paid their school fees? Can you imagine how
much you’d make? And if each family in turn referred some more families to the
school they get paid for each family they referred, you will also get paid for
their referrals. This means that even long after your kids have left the
school, as long as the families you referred and the ones they referred and the
ones those ones referred and so on and so on keep referring more families and
they keep paying school fees, your money keeps coming into your account from
that school. It’s called residual income. Whether or not you are actively
involved, you keep getting your income. How about that?
talk about active income and passive income. Active income is what we receive
when we are on the left side of the quadrant, you know the E and S [Employee
and Self employed/small business owner]. As long as you are working, either at
a job or your small business, your income keeps coming and hopefully rising as
well, but, the moment you stop. It stops. Highest the pension and/or savings
will last you a few months or years but that’s it. This therefore means you
either keep on working on someone’s job, i.e. helping someone else build their
dreams, or struggling with your small business or your self employment. Now for
those on the right side of the quadrant, they are the B=Big business owners and
the I=Investors, what they earn is passive income. Whether or not they are actively involved, their income is constantly flowing and working for them.
side of the quadrant are you in? Which side so you wanna be in?
Let’s talk more soon
You get paid for referring people? This is a refreshingly innovative idea! Wonder why no one thought of this before. About the 2 sides of the quadrant - I suppose the right side is the best side :).
ReplyDeleteThe right is sure the best and that 's where I wanna be. I'm sure you wanna be there too. You do get paid for referring people, the idea is that you get to know the product and get excited about it so you can introduce others to it